Targeting in the Interests section is a database of available targets that Facebook has loaded in and chosen. If you aren't seeing a specific Page's title, it simply might have not made the cut. I have had the same problem and noticed that some Pages can be targeted, and some huge Pages aren't on the list.
The best way around it is two things. One, think of related actions or Pages to that specific Page. Is it a company that makes a certain product? What about competitors or just that product and related products?
The other piece of advice is to look at the members of that Page, are they all from a similar area? Of similar age? Same gender? You can target on those options on that. If you call out that Page's name in the ad, especially in the title, other people most likely wont click on that ad. And if they do they could be potential members for that other Page that you were trying to target in the first place.
The best way around it is two things. One, think of related actions or Pages to that specific Page. Is it a company that makes a certain product? What about competitors or just that product and related products?
The other piece of advice is to look at the members of that Page, are they all from a similar area? Of similar age? Same gender? You can target on those options on that. If you call out that Page's name in the ad, especially in the title, other people most likely wont click on that ad. And if they do they could be potential members for that other Page that you were trying to target in the first place.
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