How Do You Get Popular on Facebook? I mean, which kinds of posts get the most attention?

Attracting attention on Facebook is a mixed bag. It’s less about the quantity and more about the quality of the attention you’re receiving (or—by translation--the number of friends you have).

Having 1,000 friends isn’t as important as having—say—600 friends who are interested in you and what you have to share/say/sell/promote. The best way I’ve found to gain and maintain friends is to post status updates that either:

a) Ask an important/interesting question

b) Offer interesting/unique information by way of a link to an article/TV clip

c) Offer a glimpse into who you are as a person.

When you ask a question, you’re encouraging people to offer their opinion, which most people like to do! When you share, for example, a news story about something relevent, you’re helping people educate themselves. And when you share an anecdote about your life, people often feel they can relate to you, which makes them want to read your regular posts.

One thing to note is that, while the content of Facebook posts is important, the frequency of said posts is equally important. If you speak up every single time you do something, your posts become “noise.”

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